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E-Mailer is a very simple Windows 95/98/NT application that makes it possible to send e-mail messages with attachments from any SMTP server in the Internet. Well, sort of. It also allows to enter any address you want for a sender to mail anonymous messages. Your real e-mail address will not appear in the message header. Of course it does not mean that it is not possible to find out where the message was sent from but it requires a particular knowledge to get that. :-)

e-mlr.zip 153 Kb -  This is complete archive. 
e-mailer.zip 24 Kb -  This version requires MFC 4.2 DLLs. There is a good chance that these libraries are already installed on your machine and you can download this archive. For example, if you have Netscape Navigator v3.0+ or Microsoft Internet Explorer v3.0+ you also have these DLLs because they both use them.